Book by Julien Gautier Hand Painted Stones and Marbles

net.Book: Hand Painted Stones & Marbles by Julien Gautier - English & French 216 pag. 24x33 cm 33 350+ pictures step by step -COMMING OUT OCTOBER 2024 PRE ORDER - LIMITED EDITION
69,50 incl. btw

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This book will be released in early October 2024 in a limited edition.
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  • Preface
  • Biography
  • Tools
  • Use of brushes and tools
  • Glossary
  • Marbles
  • Gallery
  • Index
  • Credits
  • Acknowledgments
  • Red Alicante
  • Amazonite
  • Breche d’Alep
  • Gray or white breche
  • Green antique breche
  • Violette Breche
  • Violette Brocatelle
  • Mixed Campan
  • White veined Carrara
  • Fleur de Pêcher
  • Grand antique
  • Red Griotte
  • Yellow Siena Brocatelle
  • Veined yellow Siena
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Malachite
  • Fantasy marble (Turquin blue inspiration)
  • Fantasy marble brown ocher
  • Fantasy marble (green breche inspiration)
  • Fantasy blue Onyx
  • Algerian Onyx
  • Green Onyx
  • Imperial red Porphyry
  • Portoro (Black and Gold)
  • Red Rance
  • Languedoc
  • Red Levanto
  • Sarrancolin
  • Travertine
  • See green

30 Step-by-Step Panels Using a Water-Based Technique Julien Gautier, Decorative Painter - Master Artisan - Awarded MOF (Meilleur Ouvrier de France) in 2023, will teach you in this book traditional marbling techniques using today’s products.


This book is a comprehensive manual on the art of faux marble painting. It will guide you step-by-step through 30 painted marbles using a water-based technique. Detailed instructions are accompanied by over 350 photos. This book is intended for amateur or professional painters who wish to learn effective and solvent-free techniques for use on job sites, decorative elements, or in a more artistic manner for contemporary compositions.

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